JH Audiolab Turntable w/ Mayware Formula 4 Tonearm; Dynavector Cartridge

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This turntable is coming from the original owner in exceptional condition. It is working perfectly and sounds fantastic. We have the original packaging, manual and accessories for the legendary Mayware tonearm. We also have the box for the included Dynavector DV-10x2 Cartridge - which is in great shape. The only flaw we can find with this turntable is one little piece of plastic is broken off the tonearm rest, so you will want to replace this or keep a twist-tie handy to keep the tonearm safe in the rest position. Weighted pellets for the anti-skate chamber are included.

Cosmetic condition is outstanding. Even the dustcover looks nearly new. It's obviously been covered with a soft cloth when not in use. There is one little spot on the back right corner where the vinyl covering of the plinth is splitting. Otherwise, I don't see any blemishes. See photos for details.