Take a naturally creative and inventive person, give them a consuming interest, and present them with a related problem. Then sit back and watch the magic happen.The story of American engineer Jim Win…
The Music Room is a proud dealer of Magnepan Planar Magnetic speakers. Dipole speakers have some unique characteristics that make them more sensitive to the proper amplification. When the synergy is b…
You can tell a brand has been around for a long time in the HiFi industry by a certain amount of well-reasoned or conservative decisions throughout a product line. Features, packaging, the design o…
Yesterday, I got a chance to use an advanced speaker positioning trick to fix a centering issue for a customer, one which bends (if not entirely breaks) a traditional HiFi rule.An engineer once showed…
The further you get into the audiophile hobby, the more you tend to obsess about noise. After the system is set up and completed, noise becomes the metaphoric villain you must vanquish in all its f…