Synergistic Setups: Finding a Match for the NAD M33

Synergistic Setups is back, and this time the focus is finding an interesting speaker pairing for the modern NAD M33 integrated amplifier. Watch the video on our YouTube channel, or down below -- and be sure to subscribe to not miss out.
The Synergistic Setups video series is a fun exercise in finding synergy among HiFi audio components, whether contemporary gear, or vintage, or a mix of both. At The Music Room, we have a unique opportunity as the world’s leader in used HiFi gear to mix and match and listen, and perhaps try things others might not.
There are often easily understandable reasons why some gear works better with others, but when we open the possibilities up to decades of past HiFi audio greatness, we've found that surprising synergistic matches can pop up.
Part of the fun of the audiophile hobby is the exploration and discovery, and the Synergistic Series aims to encourage the thought process behind the search, and perhaps even provide some ideas.
In this video, the subject for synergy is the M33 integrated digital amplifier from NAD, which features brand new state-of-the-art Class D amplifier modules created by a buzz-worthy company called Purifi Audio. Purifi is getting a lot of attention in the audio world for serious innovations in both amplification and speaker driver design, and NADs partnership shows attention to the latest and greatest by one of audio’s oldest and most respected brands.
We know that Harbeth speakers sound incredible when driven by the M33, and when you get to know the Harbeth design, it makes sense. Testing technician Duncan Taylor was interested to find out what else might stand out when connected to the M33, and he found an interesting match in a pair of speakers nearly as old as himself.
Watch below to find out the other half of this synergistic setup, and be sure to leave a comment if you’ve found a synergistic pairing for NAD’s lovely M33 amplifier.