Nimble dancing partner

Some of you may recognize my name from the, oh, roughly 80,000 words I wrote for PS Audio’s Copper Magazine since its inception two years ago. I wrote about recording from an audiophile perspective under the column title “Behind The Glass,” and if you’re not aware of Copper let me take this moment to send you down a deep rabbit hole:

During my time at PS Audio, I became very acquainted with the BHK 250 and the BHK 300 power amplifiers. During my brief time here at The Music Room, I’ve already been able to listen to a huge stack of amplifiers, from BAT to Levinson, to Krell, to Plinius to Space Labs.

Amazingly, I still prefer the BHK. Firing up all ranges of music, from Gary Burton and Makoto Ozone’s masterful Virtuosi to Mo Vibez’ brilliant album Champion Riddim, the BHK just gives me that extra “holy cow” thing - that extra sizzle in the undercarriage, if you will.

Many amps play the music, and some good ones play all of the music that’s there. This one dances with your speakers and your heart, and wrings more out of the same material than anything else I’ve heard yet.