Fresh Arrivals: The Stunning Focal Kanta No.3

Focal Speakers have been in the mind of audiophiles for decades. Something new is always being cooked up in their iconic kitchen, and it’s always a pleasant surprise when it's revealed. This was the case when Focal unveiled the Kanta series.

As far as Focal loudspeakers go, the Kanta No. 3 is the big boy of the Kanta lineup. It stands tall and proud at a bit over 50” in height and has a reason for its hubris.

Let’s see why.

Design and Build

Like its predecessor, the Kanta No. 2, the Kanta No.3 is sleek and curvaceous. If the first thing that comes to mind is a work of modern art, you are not far off. As well as an exciting form factor, the No.3 comes in a variety of color combinations. If you want a walnut cabinet with a dark grey front - it’s yours. How about a sun-yellow front panel? Sure. Why not? And that baffle isn’t your basic Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) either – it’s made from High-Density Polymer (HDP) which is denser (thus the “high density”) than MDF by 70%.

Focal Kanta No. 3 Front

The Zamac base is wide, stable, and ready for action. On top of that, it’s easy to adjust. Focal thought of everything here. The attention to detail put into the Kanta line is not any different than would a master watchmaker with their latest masterpiece – precise, thoughtful, and a bit obsessive.

Technology and Components

Now that we’ve walked around the No.3 and admired its form, let’s consider Focal’s IAL3 Beryllium tweeter. I slept through chemistry class but was awake long enough to know that Beryllium is special, so I looked it up to refresh my faded memory. It is special. Beryllium is lighter than aluminum and stiffer than titanium. 

It gets even stranger but in a wonderful way. Focal’s midrange and bass drivers use flax in their cones. Yes, that’s the same flax some folks sprinkle into their smoothies. Flax is also light and stiff, not to mention environmentally friendly.

So, where are we so far? High Density Polymer baffles, Beryllium tweeters, and flax cones. It makes you wonder what they did with the bass ports. I didn’t use the plural form of “port” by taking into account a pair of speakers – each speaker has two ports: one in front and one in back. It’s all about the bass here, folks.

Focal Kanta No. 3 Front

Sound Performance

How do the No.3s actually sound? In a word, like any Focal speaker, magnificent. How could they not? In all honesty, it’s their frequency response that’s arguably the star of the show. It can reproduce the sound of a full orchestra and holographically place the musicians smack dab in the middle of your living room (without the hassle of having to feed them).

Midrange clarity is what makes most listeners sit up. Vocals are upfront and forward, and the highs are clear and balanced. Each element of the presentation complements the rest without overpowering the other.

Room Considerations

At 50” in height, the No.3s aren’t small. They are as tall as the average ten-year-old. Room size matters. Focal recommends a space between 430 to 860 square feet for optimal performance. That’s anywhere between a cozy apartment and a ballroom. But don’t worry if your listening space is on the smaller side – the No.3s are exceptionally flexible. It’s all in the placement.

The Kanta No.3s like space to breathe and flourish. A general rule of thumb is to keep them at least 3 feet away from walls. Play around with toe-in angles, too. The perfect spot can be found with a little experimentation.

If you have a modest-sized room, no worries. Those front and rear-firing ports are very forgiving. You might not unleash their full potential, but they will still project that holographic image with little effort.

Amplification and System Matching

Let’s talk watts. The Focal Kanta No.3s are perfectly content with anything from 40 to 400 watts. With a sensitivity of 91dB, these speakers are easy to drive. That doesn’t mean any old amp will do. They have a nominal impedance of 8 ohms but can dip all the way down to 3 ohms. I’m not a wine connoisseur, although I sometimes pretend to be one, so I know enough to pair white with chicken or fish and red with meat or heartier dishes. It’s similar with amplifier pairing. A high-quality amp will bring out the best in these speakers.

A Grand Symphony

With the Kanta No.3s as the last component between your system and your ears, you have cutting-edge tech, stunning design, and performance that is hard to beat. They are equally at home playing delicate jazz or death metal.

When they first arrive, after some careful room setup, you’ll want to cancel your plans, dim the lights, and pull out your favorite music. In the grand symphony of high-end speakers, the Kanata No.3 plays a leading role. It’s a musical behemoth, a conversation piece, and a listening experience of the next level.